Brand Report Guide

Lecture notes: 
Brand Marketing Report
The basics of writing in an academic structure. 
Any written piece needs a structure: 
    Anything you write needs a clear beginning middle and end
    Critically, what you write needs to be logical 
Example outline of a business report
    Title page
    Contents page 
    Mid section of the report - deals with the key issue’s discussion 
    Recommendations (from your report research and findings) 
Exactly how does this content break down?
Title page - 

Contents page - literally a list of all the things you discuss in. Your report in a chronological order
The contents page in picture: 
Is an example of a possible page breakdown (particularly with the regard to the  headers .)
Please speak with module leaders to gain a full understanding of what they specifically want you to discuss as the project develops 

Contents page break down explained..
1 introduction: 
    An overview of what you intend to discuss 
    Keep this conversation concise as there is only so much word count you have allocated to the overall piece 
    Discuss the key points of your report and your intended research 
    Give a flavour of what you anticipate your findings/ research may extract ( you will give a fuller over view of your findings through your conclusion 

2 headers:
  If you look at the contents page you will see a series of headers have been added ; a snap shot of this example is as to follow: 
  2 Topshop - this is the main header of the section you intends to discuss; you then go on to break this main header into sub sections; example
  2.1 research findings; and so  what were your research findings on. The brand? Write this information under this sub heading
  2.2 initial analysis; what does your initial analysis of your research indicate about the brand reflecting on 2.1
  2.3 current brand positioning (and so on and so forth, all the way through your discussion until you reach your conclusion) 
5 conclusion 
  This is a summing of your research findings/ report intentions; it rounds the whole piece off touching on the critical aspects of your discussion, 
  This must be to the point and concise 
6 reccomendations: 
  These are your recommendations to industry from research gathered 
  To complete this part of the report consider 
  Why does your chosen brand have issues? 
  What if anything are they doing (or need to do ) to redress this 
  Where is the brand situated, where do you feel (based solidly on research ) the brand needs to be 
  How can the brand intervine through its current situation; what can it do to change its fate? (consider market conditions positioning in market place consumer perception and so on and so forth) 
7 bibliography 
  Add all your long referencing through bibliography 

8 appendices 
  Can be used to relate any information that co n acts to your essay context but would not be put in the actual essay itself 
  For example
  A sample of a survey you have collected 
  A full quote which attaches to a segment of quote usrd in your main essay (to give the content further con text _ 
Basic guide to academic writing 
  Make sure the font if easily legible and you can read it 
  Use paragraphs and punctuation regularly; check grammar and make time to proof read
  Add visuals to your piece which under pin specific written contents you discuss in the report 
  Add quotes to under pin key points you may be making in your text 
  Add page numbers through the footer of the document ; this will help with understanding referencing in your bibliography for example
  Add references regularly through your piece to show where your research came from and to avoid issues of plagiarism 
  Use long referencing in your bibliography 
  Be objective (the report isn’t about writing your subjective view) 
  Make sure there is a comparison running through your text: for example ‘when looking at Topshop online sales compared to bricks and mortar’ this apronch allows you to build your case/ debate regarding the brands strengths and weaknesses
  Make sure there is a good balance between your primary and secondary research. Generally, make sure there is a good research mix (this will be evident in your bibliography) 
  Is a really important issue/ problem In academic writing
  To avoid it reference your work regularly in text and list all your references in text an d in bibliography using APA 
  Dont copy and paste directly from and origin source
  Time manage properly 

  Remember all your contextual for is out through ‘turnitin’ which automatically detects plagiarism 


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