Shared Primary Research Analysis

Shared Primary Research:

50 people 2% is one person 
  • Primary research By Harriet Jackson
  • 1. How old are you? 
Under 17 - 10.20%
18-24- 67.35%
25-30 - 2.04%
31-35 - 2.04%
36-40 - 6.12%
41 and over - 14.24%

2. Have you bought from Dolce and Gabbana before?
Yes - 14.58%
No - 85.4%

3. How often do you buy from ‘high end brands’ ?
Ive never bought from a high end brand - 16%
Weekly - 0%
Monthly - 22%
Yearly - 32%
Ive made 1-5 purchases over the past 5 year - 30%

What would stop you from buying D&G
Price points - 40%
Testing on animals - 18%
Tax evasion - 0%
Controversial images - 2%
Chinese video controversy -0%
Insulting celebrities on social media - 2%
Homophobic comments - 2% 
Dressing melania trump - 4%
I would still shop at D&G -2% 
Slave sandals - 0%
Sneakers with tagline - 0%
Combination of above - 30%

Comments included - 
“tax evasion, contriversial images, body shamming”
“all of them”
“price/ gang rape images/ homophobia”
“animal testing and tax evasion” 
“pretty much all of these issues as they go against my belief “
“homophobia and racism”
“homophobic comments, controversial images, insulting celebs”
“to be honest they all put me off to some degree, but mainly price point “
“all of the above” 

Were you aware of the racist comments - 10%
Was aware they testes on animals - 2%
I was aware of tax evasion - 0%
I was aware of the controversial images - 2%
I waas aware the Chinese video controversy - 4%
I was aware they dressed Melina Trump - 0 
I was aware of the sneakers controversy - 0 
I was aware of all of this - 8%

Have you bought from d&g competitors 
Gucci - 14%
Armani - 6%
Versace - 8%
Dior - 18%
I haven’t bought from D&G’s competitors - 54%

What do you like about D&G
Products quality - 12%
Unique designs - 8%
Exclusivity - 0 %
Fragrances - 18%
Make up - 4%
I have not bought from D&G from - 50%
I dont like d&G - 8%

What was your opinion of the controversial Chinese video ?
I have not seen this - 79%
I didnt mind it - 2%
I liked it - 0%
I was offended by it - 4%
I was not offended but I dont agree with it - 12%
I disliked it - 2%
What is moist likely to affect your decision when buying from a brand
The price point - 48%
Overall look/ style - 34%
Ethics of the brand - 18%
Other - 0%
How much would you typically spend on a garment: 
Less than £20 - 5%
£41-60 - 24%
£61 - £80 - 10%
£200-£300 - 0% 
Ov er £301 - 4% 

Chloe Gillings - 
Social media review 
Against Gucci and dolce and gabbana 
Gucci has more followers their more for the Instagram age group., Gucci get smore likes, Gucci posts more 
Dolce and gabbana have 3 posts a day 
No stories from either of them 
19.1 m - end 19.2 

31m - 31.2m 200,000 more 


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