
Showing posts from January, 2019

Who is Dolce and Gabbana

links: It's not easy to circumscribe the Dolce & Gabbana universe within a definition. A world made up of sensations, traditions, culture and a Mediterranean nature. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana have made a trademark of their surnames which is known throughout the world, easily recognizable thanks to its glamour and great versatility. Two Designers who have known how to make a flag out of their Italian character. Two Designers who have known how to interpret and impose their sensual and unique style on a world-wide basis. Two young Designers who address themselves to young people and who draw inspiration from them. Two Designers adored by the Hollywood stars who have made the duo their favorites: two Designers who dress all of the rock stars of the moment and who have elected them as their unquestionable leaders. The Designers of Madonna, Monica Bellucci, Isabella Rossellini, Kylie Minogue and Angelina Jolie,

Recommendation idea - Bring back D&G

I think that Dolce and Gabbana could benefit from re opening the brand D&G. The diffusion brand was shut down in 2012 so that they could focus on the main traditional line Dolce and Gabbana. From my research I can see that dolce and Gabbana focus on both millennials and their original audience of 30-50 year old women with high incomes. I feel as though the original consumer demographic may feel a bit pushed a side as Dolce and Gabbana have been focusing a lot on their younger consumers. The influencer catwalks/ marketing is mainly for millennials as the older audience perhaps won't have instagram and will not know who these young influencers are. Also the designs are a lot less elegant and classy but instead they are bold and bright. If Dolce and Gabbana were to re-open D&G and have the diffusion brand to focus on millennials and use influencer marketing having slightly cheaper styles, and use the bright and flamboyant designs, this would allow Dolce and Gabbana to focus a

D&G VS Dolce and Gabbana

Links: D&G Dolce and Gabbana is the metropolitan glamour; an electric and contemporary brand. D&G is a casual line that follows an urban inspiration and attempts to set trends rather than follow them, it is the younger more flamboyant diffusion line of the brand Dolce and Gabbana. Dolce and Gabbana shut down their diffusion brand in 2011 so that they could focus on their main brand. According to Vogue: The duo has gotten their D&G collection down to a science. Pick a theme, then whip up the familiar leggy looks in the appropriate fabrics. Dolce and Gabbana haven't so much jumped on the bandwagon as they have presciently bra

Shared Primary Research Analysis

Shared Primary Research: 50 people 2% is one person  Primary research By Harriet Jackson 1. How old are you?  Under 17 - 10.20% 18-24- 67.35% 25-30 - 2.04% 31-35 - 2.04% 36-40 - 6.12% 41 and over - 14.24% 2. Have you bought from Dolce and Gabbana before? Yes - 14.58% No - 85.4% 3. How often do you buy from ‘high end brands’ ? Ive never bought from a high end brand - 16% Weekly - 0% Monthly - 22% Yearly - 32% Ive made 1-5 purchases over the past 5 year - 30% Q4. What would stop you from buying D&G Price points - 40% Testing on animals - 18% Tax evasion - 0% Controversial images - 2% Chinese video controversy -0% Insulting celebrities on social media - 2% Homophobic comments - 2%  Dressing melania trump - 4% I would still shop at D&G -2%  Slave sandals - 0% Sneakers with tagline - 0% Combination of above - 30% Comments included -  “tax evasion, contriversial images, body shamming” “all of them” “pr

Brand Market Report recap lecture

Brand market report recap lecture Monday 14th Jan The basics of report writing in an academic structure Anything that you write needs a clear beginning middle and end Critically what you need to write needs to be logical Not descriptive needs to be analysis  Example outline Title page - name, student number, report, unit etc  Contents page - whats Inside the report Introduction Mid section of the report - deals with the key issues under discussion Conclusion  Recommendations (from report and finding )  Bibliography  Appendice  Title page: Institution title Title of your piece  You name  Course title Word count (10% + or - ) executive summary does not count Plagiarism statement  Contents page: Can automatically create on world Introduction: What you intend to discuss What is the report about Introducing topic Keep concise Need sub headings (200 main body word count) 2. Topshop 2.1 research findings 2.2 initial analysis 

Consumer behaviour, target positioning and Marketing of the brand/ fashion cycle

Consumer behaviour, target positioning and marketing of the brand/ fashion cycle lecture Monday 21st Jan What is consumer behaviour? Individuals of groups select, purchase use of dispose of products, where do they end up? Maslow's hierarchy of needs Self-actualisation needs : The desire for self fulfilment in achieving whatever someone can  Esteem and status : striving to achieve a high standing in relation to other people Social needs: we need social experience and desire products and services that facilitate social exchange Safety needs: protection from the unpredictable happening in life Physiological needs : the fundaments of survival Self esteem Richins 1993: Marketers use attractive models for a social comparison sonf process where young female consumers compare themselves and feel inadequate against them.  What this model doesn’t really account for the influence of others for example how does family affect the behaviour and consumption? Divers